People will check what they want to fix. Also if they have, had virus or vaccine. All health data and will have reminders to have human rights of best health info for stopping covid, that brought back decades of SDG progress at full stop.
Tools to stop viruses.
Human rights to have best food and health- freedom of covid. Network that will have all information and how to organize to stop people who are in government spreading viruses into counries.
Equal internet rights- donations and spreading of tools for electricity and used technology. Maps from satellites that show where climate change has made species change their crossings endangering people and other species. Where food species have changed their locations. Where ice can start breaking.
Human rights for sustainable society that can stop viruses and spread of them- maps and locations and education of best solutions showing that current are best of worst that still continue spread.
People around world will be able in app take active participation of solving any problems and goals.
Educating governments in Smart network app putting pressure on governments about viruses.
Personal education about healthy diets for dietary and fitness needs.
Website for virus stopping MVP being in planning stage from what way to start putting information for best results.
We are working for stopping viruses, currently Covid. Governments doesn’t work, so we will make new plans, that we have now on 50 pages, for governments and people who are endangering healthy people with covid.
Health app is innovative that will be calculating amount of consumption and emissions and packaging expenses of positive or negative measurement.
Solution to human rights are solving freedom for SDG access starting with current biggest threat to humanity- Covid virus 1st
SDG top 17 Global Sustainable Development Goal Issues of United Nations.
1: No Poverty
2: Zero Hunger
3: Healthy lives- Good health and well-being
4: Quality Education
5: Gender equality
6: Clean water and sanitation
7: Affordable and clean energy
8: Decent work and economic growth
9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10: Reduced inequality
11: Sustainable cities and communities
12: Responsible consumption and production
13: Climate action- stopping emissions
14: Life below water- stopping invasive population or climate migrations
15: Life on land- food planning for indigenous people (Arctic problems coming up from global warming)
16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
17: Partnership for the goals